our services

From RM 1800
Fee-based Consultation on Estate and Wealth Succession Planning
You get what you pay for – our unique INTEGRATED Approach to estate planning process that will cove all your bases!. You will enjoy the unparalleled value with our UNBIASED advice backed by top-notch professionals backed by expert-level knowledge, and come with a wealth of industry experience.
The written advice will be unbiased, in-depth, well-thought through, comprehensive, and personalized to your unique situation. Absolutely no product selling.
Highly recommended for those who could not get satisfactory advice from product-focused sales agents and will promoters in the market.
The written estate plan include:
A. Review of current situation;
B. Diagnosis;
C. Recommendations (which you can bring to any competent estate /financial adviser for plan implementation)
D. Plan Implementation (Separate fee)

From RM680 - RM4800
Comprehensive Will-writing Services
Our comprehensive will-writing service ensures that your written will covers your concerns and ensure your beneficiaries’ well-being, backed by well-qualified and experienced estate & financial planners.
We promise that your will draft contains all the critically importantand sufficient clauses to ensure that the well-beings of your beloved beneficiaries are secured. We undertake not to include unnecessary and extra will clauses to jack up the will fee charged by trustee company!
You can trust us for our professionalism and expertise.

From RM2000
Trust Set Up Services
We may recommend you testamentary trust (trust inside a will), or a living trust, depending on your concerns and objectives. Living trust outside Malaysia can be arranged as well.
Again, we promise that your interest will be our top priority and we undertake not to over-recommend you unnecessary trust services as it may not be to the best interest of your beloved beneficiaries. We take pride of our high quality, comprehensive and INTEGRATED estate planning and advice.

From RM6500
Labuan Private Foundation Set Up with Consultation
Incorporation of a Labuan private foundation is super smart planning strategy mainly for business owners and family businesses.
You will need good and solid advice from well-qualified and expert estate and financial advisers to ensure that you cover all your bases. Your interest is best served with our unique INTEGRATED approach to business and family estate planning.

From RM600
Unbiased Life Insurance Policy Review (No product selling)
This UNBIASED service is crucial for those who have complicated family and personal relationship! It is important to consult us on this to ensure that your life insurance proceeds are protected and to ensure that your beloved beneficiaries’ well-beings are fully protected as well.
This is because of the ‘cumbersome’ situations that may arise from certain provisions in Financial Services Act 2013 on insurance nominations!!
Unfortunately many life insurance agents in the market can’t adequately advice on this area.

From 3800
Debt Consolidation Service
This is a specialist service which require expertise from well-experienced advisers.
Debt consolidation service is crucial for people who have burdensome short term high interest and want to solve their high debt problem.
It is also useful for those who want to improve their personal financial rating.

From RM3800
Wealth and Bankruptcy Protection Consultation
Pre-planning is crucial for those business owners who are concerned about high gearing, high debt level, and signing significant amount of personal guarantee for their company and corporate loans!!
It is also extremely important for professionals who have increasing and high professional liabilities exposures, to protect themselves and their family members against such financial risks!
You will need well-qualified and expert estate and financial advisers to provide good and solid advice and to ensure that all your bases are covered!